I have found that rarely in life do things resolve according to expectation. It is almost as if by seeking a particular outcome, the universal ebbs and flows change in order to give you a not quite dissimilar result. Ah, but you may be thinking; the universe is not some sentient being that giveth and taketh away. Of course, you would not be wrong in that sentiment.
What I mean to say is that with each choice, is an outcome. Or as others have more aptly put before me. "With every action, is an equal and opposite reaction." While in the terms of consequence, the reaction is not necessarily always negative.
But in the pursuit of power, on the pathway to strength and glory... During my long tenure of life I have found that it is almost always... Negative.
To you whom may still doubt my words, I ask this question. At what cost is power obtained? What price did you, or the world pay in order to give you that thing which you so desired? You may not even realize the price you paid, you may not have even paid it yet. The universe, or fate, or karma; Whatever you choose to call it, does not always take its charge right away, but it certainly never accepts IOU's and when the bill comes due, you must pay in full.
I did not realize it at the time, but the price I would pay this day, for this power, it would be costly. The bill would not come due for some time, and what I would pay had yet to reach its full value. But one day... One day it would come due...
for it always does.
~Desmond Murphy, High King of Hell
Magic. Such a simple idea, yet so complex to put into actionable thought. I considered the times I had seen or witnessed magic thus far. Almost all of the magic I had seen was from Lilith, her blood magic. It's manifestations were a red and foul smelling mist like sprits of water that tasted of iron. She seemingly called upon it at will, not needing any form of chant, or catchphrase.
Staring down at my hands I considered what might go into a magical spell. Where did the energy come from. Did it draw upon mana to create? Or was it more akin to science? Requiring that I moved the very atoms in the air?
I shook the thoughts from my head, I could not afford to overthink this to the point of failure. This power was mine, all I needed to do was simply figure out how to use it. The potential was already there, I stood before the door, that confirmed my ability for any who doubted.
I started with the idea of a star. Visualizing a single dot between my hands. I imagined energy being pushed forcibly outward from my chest- from a theoretical 'core' of unknown energy; Up to my shoulders, down my bicep, through my forearm, then out and into my palm. With a deep breath and slow exhale, I extracted that energy into that singular point.
I wanted it heavier, I needed it denser; And most importantly I demanded of it to be larger. I imagined the atoms in the air within becoming thick, swirling and coalescing into that invisible spark.
In response to my efforts, I felt a sensation that even with regards to Lucifer's divinity, I had not felt before. Of all the magic I had experienced, this was nothing like it. It was not painful, nor joyful. A throbbing radiated from beneath my sternum. Like a car sputtering to life after years of neglect.
This has to be it! My subconscious thoughts pushing forward.
Ignoring my own delight, I continued with the 'spell'. Lips sewn taut and tight with focus, I bore further into myself, further into the sensation within. Driving more and more of whatever I was manipulating into my palms.
My mental exercise finally bore fruit. A tiny black ink sized dot appearing between my hands. A smile grew wide across my face as I peered down at it.
"I did it!" I shouted, looking around unbelievably for someone to confirm what I was seeing was real. Only to be reminded that no one was there save myself.
"Desmond!" The ethereal voice whispered pleadingly this time, as if from afar. The dot, as if spurred by the voice seemed to take on a life of its own then, seemingly feeding off the power I gave to it, like a starving hyena biting into a fresh carcass.
Panic gripped at my heart. I began to sweat as I was obliged to sate its unending hunger. The draw of energy grew as did the dot, now the size of a small fruit, I could feel the pull of the thing, as if it wanted to consume everything around it.
I searched my surroundings frantically for any sign or suggestion of what to do. The Yellow stone hallway seemed to go on endlessly, forever neutral and unhelpful. Spinning around on my heels I gazed upon the wooden door with a stupefied gape. Previously shut tight in obstinate mockery, it now swung wide and welcoming, beckoning me forward.
As I peered at the cosmic scene within; purple, pink, blue, green and twinkling stars of all the other colors, I felt a change occur within me. That throbbing thing within my sternum roared to life, no longer a sputtering engine, but a powerful machine built for a singular purpose.
Finally, like a light switch being flipped, the knowledge of what I was doing poured into my brain from the cosmic scene within the door; Bringing with it the instructions of how to control it, if only barely.
"Vacuus..." I whispered lovingly into the now bowling ball sized orb between my hands. With a shiver, the orb rippled and shrank as I mentally commanded the force of its energy.
I knew now the true power of what I was holding, of what I had created. A force of nature many had only theorized; That we could only view by the grace of the most powerful telescopes known to mankind. A cosmic devourer of unbridled potential; and yet here it was humming with life in the palm of my hand.
A black hole...