Becoming popular

Who are you" Kyle asked the man in a serious voice." "I am one of the spirits contracted to you Dragon Emperor" The spirit gave a answer which Kyle didn't understand. Not to mention he addressed him as the dragon emperor which made the Kyle all the more confused.

"Dragon Emperor?, What is it?" "I will tell you in the future when the time an place is right." . "And when they will be right." "I will give you answer of all of your questions when gou visit the Wilderness." "You mean the area that lies between Norvenia and Dulcan region. "Yes exactly that region." In that forest there lies a village which is home of demonfolks. You will the answers of all of your questions there. For now all I can tell you that I don't mean any harm to you afterall I am just a part of you now."

"Part of me,What" Kyle said in confusion.

"No more talk now, I am going back to sleep."

The spirit said lazily and then suddenly vanished.

Kyle just sighed he knew calling for that soirit now would be useless. He too decided to sleep.

The meeting room

"How dare you, do you both understand the weight of what both of you have done" The old selector shouted loudly on Steven and James. His face was boiling with anger.

Steven and James said nothing. They kept their heads down due to shame.

"Well , I am also responsible for taking this decision. But before telling about this matter to father and Duke Anderson. I want to ask something from you Steven." Nathan said in a serious tone.

"What is it, your highness." Steven asked nervously.

"Who gave you the map of that so called safe passage."

"Umm, it was a sevant named Draken."

Nathan's eyes narrowed at the mention of Draken's name. "Draken," he repeated. "Are you sure about that?"Steven nodded, still avoiding eye contact. "Yes, Your Highness. He was the one who gave us the map."

Nathan let out a sigh, his expression softening slightly. "I see. Draken was a loyal servant of your family for many years, but he passed away a few days ago. His death was sudden and unexpected. We suspect foul play, but we haven't been able to confirm anything yet."

Steven and James exchanged a worried glance. "What does this mean for us?" James asked hesitantly.

It means that we have to be more careful," Nathan replied. "We can't trust anyone outside of our inner circle. We have enemies who would do anything to harm us, and they're always looking for ways to exploit our weaknesses. We need to be vigilant and stay one step ahead of them."

Steven and James nodded in agreement, their faces pale with fear. They knew that the consequences of their actions could have been much worse. They had put themselves and their families in danger by trusting a stranger, and they had only been lucky to escape with their lives. Jn their mind they both thanked Kyle.

Nathan stood up from his seat and walked over to them. "I'm not going to punish you this time, your families might punish you, you need to learn from your mistakes. Don't let your emotions cloud your judgment, and don't trust anyone blindly. If you need help or advice, come to me or your fathers. They are there to protect and guide you."

Steven and James bowed their heads in gratitude. They had been given a second chance, and they knew that they had to make the most of it. They left the meeting room, feeling relieved but also humbled by the experience. They had learned a valuable lesson about the dangers of the outside world, and they knew that they had to be more cautious in the future.

Some days later at the academy

"Senior Kyle could you please help me. Iam unable to understand." No Kyle you had to help me first. "No help me first you should obey your seniors." Many girls were there sorrounding Kyle. After the incident at forest. Kyle had became a celebrity like figure. He had also attracted attention of many girls.

Kyle smiled at the girls, trying to be polite. He was still adjusting to his new image in fhe school till somedays before he was almost a unnoticed person in the academy so the attention he was receiving made him feel uncomfortable at times. But he knew he had to deal with it somehow, so he tried to be patient and kind.

"Of course, I'll help both of you," he said, gesturing for them to sit down next to him. "What seems to be the problem?"

The girls showed him their textbooks, and Kyle began explaining the concepts they were struggling with. He had always been a gifted student, and he enjoyed helping others learn. As he spoke, he noticed that a few more students had gathered around them, listening to his words intently.

After he finished explaining the concepts, the students thanked him and went back to their seats. Kyle smiled, feeling satisfied with himself of dealing with the situation nicely. As he walked back to his seat, he noticed a group of boys whispering among themselves. He couldn't make out what they were saying, but he had a feeling that they weren't talking about him in a positive light. Many other boys were glaring at him with jealosy. He decided to ignore them and focus on his studies, but the incident left a bitter taste in his mouth.

He continued on with his lessons throught the day. It seems that the news of the incident at forest had spread to tge whole academy as he was getting attention no matter where he go.