Demonstrate how to eat

Princess's POV

6 AM in the morning..

"Meow" She said, As she look at her body with no fur, no cute paws and no cute little pink nose, she realized that she have the same skin tone like her master, and she realize something change so much on her body.

She woke up early because she can't believe her master didn't recognize her as Princess, The Cat.

She don't know how to walk and how to speak.

She only have hair on her head, and have only have 2 feet to walk.

And she have this 2 big balls? melon? on her chest, she don't know what it is, but it is soft and big, it have a pink little circle in the middle, it was soft too like the melon.

She look at her master differently, but now she's looking at him like she is a master too.

She thought of her self like a human, and didn't have to please and wait for her master too eat.

She fantasize about having a hand and feet, to be a master like her master, and specially to be a human.

She wish to love like a human, she wants to do all the humans can do because when she was a cat there are things that cat can't do more than a human can.

There is so many advantage if you are a human, but if you are a cat, you are lucky if a human like you and if a human decided to take you home.

A cats life is not easy, there is some who have home but they are being treated like a rat, some who is very lucky who have home and treated like a princess or like a baby, some are only on the street asking for help and for food, shelter and for love, or just somebody who will like and take them.

She wish all of that, when his master went to bed.

She wish to be a human and to rule over her master.

To feed herself and to bath herself.

When she finish her wish to be a human, she walked to her master's side and then lay down to sleep, she kissed her master's forehead saying good night and waiting for her wish to be come true.

Time passes and she woke up because she wanted to go outside too.

She remember herself as a Cat, and woke up like a human like her master.

When her master woke up she meow on her master, the master is only looking at her non-stop and say AH in front of her.

she just look at him, while standing like a human.

She don't know what to react and what to say.

So she just stand up without second thoughts and look at her master straight to the eyes.

She look at her master and her master blab something that is so human, she listens and try to say it but she can't, she wanted to talk like that too.

she wanted to talk to her master so that she can say things like, when she wanted to eat, or take a bath alone.

although she knows that she wont be able to bath alone with her cat body.

But now that she have a human body like her master, she wanted to try taking it alone.

but then again she can't walk like a human because she is a normally a cat with four feet and no two hands.

She saw her master have a red on his nose, and then she look at her masters hips and its like hers.

But there is something different between them, her master have this piercing thing in the middle on his hips while she don't.

She wanted to touch that piercing things that her master have, but her master suddenly ran to the bathroom and slam the door, she also saw her master have a slight red on his face, that makes her wonder why.

She sit in front of the mirror and look at her naked body while waiting for his master to wake up.

Aoi's POV

It's 6:30 am when I looked at my phone to check the time, and the more important part is when I woke up princess is in front of me, she was sitting in front of the mirror, with her naked body. Again.

My toy is up, she was naked.



I just said it without thinking.

Princess looked at me with surprise.

"Oh sorry, did I startled you?"


"You can't talk like a human? but you have a human body. How come?"

"Meow" She nodded and then. She turn around?

"What are you doing? are you hungry?"

"Meww" She answered and nodded, again.

"Okay, okay. wait here, don't go outside naked, just wait here. I'll call you when the food is ready. wear my clothes, you see me how to wear it right? so go on and do it."


uwahhh, what the fuck was that.

I scratched my head while freaking out inside.

The fuck was that, She was so sexy. What I mean is *ahem* magical.

Well what ever, what good thing happen is that I already have a girl to court in the party.

Princess's POV


Princess understand what her master told her.

she finished what her master told her to do, and still questioning herself. And the god.

She was craving for food, and crave more when she smell her masters cooking.

Her master called her and she ran there quickly and sit at the floor, waiting for her bowl for her to eat.

Aoi's POV

I called princess for her to eat.

she run quickly but, she still run like a cat.

she is wearing my t-shirt and it was so sexy, I mean cute

she is sitting like a cat at the floor and waiting there obediently.

"Not there, come here. sit like me and eat like me, like this."

She stands up like a human and watched me.

when I finished demonstrating, she copied it and it all went well.

I am surprised that she is a fast learner, well she is a cat.

I believe that a cat have its own intelligents, well maybe.