The Master-Disciple System Is Activated

After talking about Luo Yao, Ning Shi's expression became serious as he slowly said, "Next, I'll teach you guys the extreme body forging method. This technique can quickly improve your physical fitness, but the process of cultivation is extremely painful. If you're not careful, there's a risk of your body being disabled."

"I hope you'll consider it carefully. If you don't want to learn it, you can withdraw now. Once you learn my cultivation method, you'll be in a situation where you can't retreat."

"In the future, if you want to give up halfway or commit misconduct or crime, I'm not as kind as I look on the surface."

Ning Shi no longer restrained himself. He released both his killing aura and draconic might at the same time.

The three students' faces turned pale, and they trembled.

"I-I'm willing to learn the extreme body forging method. I'll bear all the risks myself. I won't blame or hate my teacher."