
"What did you dream about last night?" Ning Shi asked instead of answering.

Luo Yao immediately blushed and lowered her head. Zong Shangren shivered. Only Jiang Bichao looked normal as he described.

"We all had a strange dream last night. In the dream, we appeared in the field of a new garden. Master, you taught us Bajiquan step by step."

"When I woke up this morning, although I had a splitting headache, the knowledge of Bajiquan from my dream was deeply imprinted in my mind, as if it had become my body's instinct."

"How can there be such a coincidence when the same thing happened to all three of us?" Jiang Bichao analyzed. "It must be your special ability, master."

Ning Shi did not respond to Luo Yao and Jiang Bichao's words.

This was the advantage of being a master. If the disciple wanted an answer, he, as the master, could choose to give them the answer. If he didn't, he could pretend to be mysterious and put on airs.