Welcome Gun Salutation

Back in the dormitory, Ning Shi locked the door, lay on the bed, and entered the game from first perspective.

As usual, he checked the system hack log.

[After defeating the Dark Moon Vanguards, the avatar held a victory banquet. During the banquet, he invited Snow Fog to dance with him. Character intimacy +3. Current character intimacy: 88.]

[The test of the magic core cannon was a success. Snow Fog was shocked by the power of the cannon and saw hope for revenge. Character intimacy +2. Current character intimacy: 90.]

[The avatar has treated Snow Fog to a meal a total of 6 times. Character intimacy +3. Current character intimacy: 93.]

Ning Shi was expressionless. The avatar's style was really extremely upright! He was definitely not getting close to women. Dog head.jpg.

[The avatar killed an intermediate magical beast, thunder horn lizard. Experience points +200.]