Lena's Talent

Following Chapman's announcement, nearly 100,000 people in the audience let out earth-shaking cheers!

Gray was full of confidence. He stomped his feet and glided onto the stage like an eagle spreading its wings.

His handsome entrance caused another round of applause.

In contrast, Lena fed the audience a wave of dog food.

She stood up, hugged Ning Shi, and kissed him on the lips before walking up to the stage unhurriedly.

Seeing the intimate behavior of Lena and Ning Shi, the veins on Alesia's face bulged. He held the Lionheart Blade tightly, trying not to let himself roar.

"What's going on? Lionheart, didn't they say that Ning Shi and Lena are old acquaintances? Why would Lena hug and kiss Ning Shi?"

The Lion King's bloodline was extremely possessive, and in Alesia's eyes, Lena had long been his woman. He would never allow anyone to touch Lena.

Seeing this scene, Alesia almost lost control of his emotions.