Cooperative Performance

Figo and Val stood opposite each other on the battle stage.

With the judge's order, Figo attacked first!


A tiger's roar reverberated throughout the square, and just the aftershock made many of the onlookers either faint in fear or faint.

Val was the direct target of The tiger's roar. His body was stiff and he could not move.

With the roar of a tiger, Figo's body expanded from 1.8 meters to more than three meters tall.

The muscles all over his body swelled up like huge and hard stones stacked together. The armor he wore was obviously specially made and had a great extension.

Figo's eyes were bloodshot, and sharp claws that were about a foot long grew out of his ten fingers. As he waved them rapidly, Val's body was instantly covered in wounds.

In the face of Figo's storm-like attacks, Val was like a small flower swaying in the wind and rain, about to wither at any moment.