Lightning-Type Magical Beast Race (Part 2)

It was just that advanced magical beasts were easily affected by their bestiality. Most of them were more irritable and easily angered, so they didn't seem very smart.

This lightning-horn rhinoceros was very close to Ning Shi. It swaggered over and crushed many plants along the way.

"Hey, brother, can I call you this? Let me tell you, on the magical beast continent, the bloodlines of close relatives must be united. Otherwise, they will be bullied or even exterminated by the magical beasts of other bloodlines. This is an important rule of survival. You must remember it."

Ning Shi didn't know much about the situation on the magical beast continent, so he said this when he saw the lightning-horn rhinoceros' enthusiasm.

"Good brother, I'm called Ning. I've just arrived here from the Moen Continent through the teleportation array, so I don't know anything about the magical beast continent. How should I address you?"