The Unavoidable Rabbit's Fate (Part 2)

[ Natural charm: Exudes extreme temptation to all living creatures. Every move has a natural charm. ]

[ Mechanical heart (purple): Has a natural affinity and perception for mechanical objects and mechanical lives. It greatly increases the success rate of machinery construction and greatly reduces the difficulty requirements for the use of machinery. ]

[ Accuracy (purple): Greatly increases the accuracy of micro-operations, and long-range attacks have the effect of hitting the target in one shot. ]

[ Disperse bad luck (purple): Passive talent. The body will naturally expel bad luck and ensure that it will never be contaminated by bad luck. The dispersed bad luck will affect living beings that approach it.

[ Infected creatures will have bad luck at first, but they will gradually adapt to the bad luck according to their resistance to negative States. In the end, the impact will be smaller and smaller. ]