One Blade Butcher (Part 3)

"Master," Ning Shi said, "I've liked knives since I was young. I have a special feeling for knives, so I want to be a butcher."

Old Li didn't mind Ning Shi's foreshadowing. He thought that Ning Shi was just saying it casually.

Who knew that Ning Shi would give him such a huge surprise?

The method of practicing the knife skill was simple and crude. Old Li asked Ning Shi to take a 10-pound butcher knife and swing it at a hard wooden stake.

On the side of the wooden stake, there was a mark. Ning Shi's knife must hit the edge of the mark.

To Ning Shi, who had experience in swordsmanship, this was child's play.

In order to be reasonable, Ning Shi initially cut three or four times out of every 10 times near the score.

As he practiced, Ning Shi gradually made sure that five or six out of every ten slashes would land on the designated position.