Forbidden Mecha (Part 3)

Ning Shi didn't stay any longer. He turned and walked to the motorcycle, got on it, and sped away.

Looking at Ning Shi's back as he rode away on the motorcycle, Nico's smart wristwatch flashed a few times and an old woman's voice appeared in his mind.

"Nico, this new friend of yours is very interesting. He seems to know that you will be in danger on this trip and found an excuse to avoid you in advance."

Nico was expressionless as he followed behind Wu Qianlian silently. His consciousness was conversing with the consciousness form in the smart wristwatch.

"Teacher Muraka, you mean Ning Shi guessed that I would be attacked by the Hilda family, so he dodged in advance. How did he detect it?"

"Nico, you are extremely talented in mechanical construction. However, you still need more training in the ways of the world, strategy, and wisdom.