Genius Junior Brother (Part 3)

With Old Li's help, he finally passed through the most difficult novice stage and entered the development stage.

What he needed now was time to accumulate strength and develop.

Old Li pursed his lips on the other end of the phone and said in embarrassment, "Xiao Ning, your physical fitness is not strong enough. The radiation element in New Star City is too strong, you can't survive here.

"I'll be staying in New Star City in the future, so you'll have to learn the butcher's skills by yourself.

"If there's anything you don't understand, we can contact each other remotely."

Ning Shi thought that Old Li wanted to stay in New Star City for his daughter and grandson, so he said, "Master, you can live in the New Star City in peace and enjoy the life of a family reunion. 

Old Li laughed and said, " I'm not in the New Star City for my daughter. I'm here for my grandson. Let me tell you some good news. You have a Junior Brother!