Becoming Famous in One Battle (2)

Moreover, the formation was still low in the middle and high on both sides, giving off the feeling of being sunken in.

Who came up with this idea?

Ten people standing together like this was really unbearable.

So be it. The team members had no objections anyway. They stood on the stage in high spirits.

Ning Shi didn't interrupt the process.

On the other hand, Hao Meng covered her mouth and laughed. She held Ning Shi's arm and looked at the team members below the stage, whispering, "Brother Shitou, in a few years, when Luo Yao and the others see their current appearance, they will definitely feel like their society has died. This is their dark history."

Ning Shi was amused by Hao Meng's words. This was the youth of the team members. They were all teenagers, and they were confident in themselves.