Mieln Federation's Trump Card (1)

Freedom City, Modern Building, 36th floor.

This was the headquarters of the Mieln Federation Federal Reserve.

In the largest office in the headquarters, head of state Denleigh, Federal Reserve Chairman Whitman, and freedom council President Silver sat in the upper seats.

Next to him were two middle-aged men, a man and a woman.

The man was called Gu Man, the head coach of the Mieln Federation's young awakener competition team. The woman was called Nasha, and she was mainly responsible for the diplomatic work between the Mieln Federation and the World of Moen.

Silver stared at Gu Man and asked, "Gu Man, you've been together with our team members day and night, and you've also been in contact with the members of the Kingdom of Mies for quite some time.

"According to your assessment, how does our team's strength compare to the members of the Kingdom of Mies' team?"