Junior Brother's Self-Doubt (2)

"This assessment is just a temporary test. The training class has gathered all the geniuses on the origin planet. It's normal to meet people of the same age who are stronger than you. You should straighten your attitude and continue to work hard."

Ning Shi thought that Yan Yinfei couldn't accept second place in a short time. He thought that this was just the pretentiousness of a genius youth, so he comforted him a little.

But Yan Yinfei shook his head and said to Ning Shi with a strange expression, "Senior brother, it's not about the results. I believe that with my talent, I will surpass Scarlet sooner or later."

"What's the problem then?" Ning Shi asked in confusion.

Yan Yinfei stammered, "I... I doubt my sex... There's a problem with my sexual orientation. I think I like... It's too strange that I like men. I obviously like to watch beautiful women, and I secretly watched a few romantic action movies last night. I had feelings from that."