Goodbye (2)

Tong Baiming kept his promise and removed the control rights of Tong Qingqing's Helium Heart, giving her complete freedom.

In order to express goodwill to Ning Shi, Tong Baiming even gave Tong Qingqing the status of the little princess of the Tong family and gave her a lot of resources.

Therefore, Tong Qingqing had been living very comfortably during this period of time.

Ning Shi saw the sincere and bright smile on this beautiful girl's face and felt very gratified.

Since Tong Qingqing wasn't willing to go, Ning Shi didn't force her. He called Tong Baiming's butler and was then sent to the Tong residence in a private car.

Ning Shi was arranged to drink tea in the hall. After waiting for about 20 minutes, Tong Baiming, who was wearing a white coat, rushed in.

"I'm sorry, Ning Shi. I'm in the middle of an experiment and can't interrupt it. Sorry for making you wait!"