Instant Kill (1)

Ning Shi came here with only one goal, and that was to become the person in charge and completely control the Celestial Sect, making them serve him.

His goal was the same as Li Sijia's, and the two of them would probably clash.

However, Ning Shi was not in a hurry. He planned to see what Li Sijia would do. Anyway, he could get the position of the person in charge first.

Li Sijia continued, "I've already discussed with Leader Shangguan and the upper echelons of the Celestial Sect. The headquarters of the Celestial Sect will be relocated from Blackbox City to New Star City. New Star City will provide a lot of preferential policies for the Celestial Sect. Everyone can develop here with peace of mind.

"Once a new person is appointed, we can start the contract signing ceremony.

"I look forward to the emergence of a new hero. He will become the leader of the Celestial Sect and lead traditional fighters to a better future!"