Conspiracy (1)

The Wolf King Planet was a resource planet belonging to the Qin family of Cannon City. The Qin family was one of the few families in the First Star Field that was second only to the Jiang family. They were also one of the participants in the Battle of the Two Cities.

Because the Qin family was powerful, not many people dared to provoke them. In addition, the Wolf King Planet was located in a remote area, so the Qin family's management of the space relay station on the Wolf King Planet was relatively lax.

There weren't many troops stationed at the relay station. They only had a space fleet and a team of 100 mecha masters.

The leader of the mecha masters was an ordinary titled mecha master while the rest were advanced mecha masters.

Of course, Ning Shi was not afraid of this kind of power. He directly swaggered into the hotel at the relay station.