Deshun Commandery Prince Wants to Reward According to Merit

After the demon wave ended, the people of Chen City began to rebuild their homes. Of course, he couldn't go outside the city at the moment.

However, repairing the buildings in the city still took a lot of time.

The people who had moved in from outside the city had been eating the food of the people in the city during this period of time, so they also contributed their strength as compensation.

Chen Clan, in the meeting hall.

"Patriarch, the casualties are out."The Great Elder handed Chen Yang a booklet. On it was a list of the names of the Chen family members who had died in the demon horde.

"How many are there in total?" Yang Chen took a quick glance at the name list and closed the booklet.

"Among them, more than 200 collateral relatives were injured and 104 died. The direct descendants did not die, and the fifth elder was heavily injured."Chen Xuan said.