Remarks on the Ranking (1)

It was on the shelves…

I knew that at this point, there would definitely be many readers who would choose to abandon the book. This was unavoidable, and I was naturally no exception.

However, I still hope that everyone can come to Qidian to support me and contribute a number of readers. Each of your readers will be a great motivation for me to continue writing.

Let's get down to business first. Qidian has a tradition of releasing updates, so I naturally have to follow it.

On the first day, I will update 10,000 words. Don't say 'less', I haven't finished yet. In the next ten days, I will update 10,000 words every day.

Based on my normal update frequency, it's equivalent to updating 40,000 words on the shelves. This explosive update can be considered a conscience at Qidian.