The Five Clans Have Agreed on the Split of the Clan War

When Master Sun saw this, he quickly went forward and said,"What are you talking about, Chen Clan Head? My Sun Clan naturally has to give you and Chen Clan face."

"How about this? Let me discuss this with my ancestor. I'll definitely give the Chen Clan Lord an answer within an hour."

"Everyone, please have a taste of my Sun family's tea here."

With that, Master Sun pulled Sun Chuanwu to the side hall.

After arriving at the side hall, Sun Chuanwu broke free from the Sun family head's hand and said with an unfriendly expression,"He, Chen Yang, has only taken Deshun Commandery Prince as his master. What's so great about him?"

"The Song family's share has nothing to do with the Chen family. Why should the Chen family inherit the Song family's share? Just because he was the disciple of Deshun Commandery Prince?"

"Even if it's De Shun, you should be reasonable."