Danger in the Water

"Boss, we didn't find any traces of the flood within a hundred miles."

Outside Chen City, the sound of horse hooves could be heard. The Dragon Guards responsible for scouting the surroundings reported the situation to the commander of the Dragon Guards, Chen Dao.

Hearing this, Chen Dao nodded, then pulled out his sword and pointed to the north." Continue to investigate. Don't have any fluke thoughts. This concerns the safety of Chen City, so everyone must be cautious."

"Yes, sir!"

Following Chen Dao's order, the Dragon Knights scattered and continued to investigate the situation around Chen City.

Chen Dao, on the other hand, stood still on the spot, looking at the raindrops that kept falling from the sky. He said indifferently,"It's been raining for a day and a night. I really don't know when it will end."

"If it continues to rain like this, the flood won't be able to recede so easily."