The Flood Retreats, The Royal Family Rewards According to Merit

Half a month later, at the north gate of Chen City.

The county magistrate of Chen City was clearing the roads outside the city with the people of Chen City. After the flood, it was all muddy land, so it naturally had to be cleaned up.

Now that Chen City was bustling, the city gate, as the face of the city, naturally had to be clean.

If there was mud and water, they would cover it with sand. At the very least, they had to make it look like it was real.

This was also for Chen Cheng's sake.

Of course, the county magistrate would never say that he had nothing to do and was afraid that people would forget that there was another county magistrate in Chen City. That was why he had led everyone to clean up the city gate.


Putting the broom aside, the county magistrate of Chen City picked up the towel hanging around his neck and wiped the sweat from his forehead.