The Adventures of Chen Tao

"And guest, when you speak in Chen City, when you talk about Lord Chen Yang, you must use the honorific title, or you will be beaten."

"Beaten?" Chen Tao was furious." Did the Chen family order you to do this?"

"Of course not."

The shop assistant's eyes were filled with yearning." This is our own initiative. Under the rule of Lord Chen Yang, life in Chen City has changed with each passing day."

"Our standard of living is constantly improving. I dare say that even the capital is not necessarily better than Chen City."

"Now, when we Chen Cheng people go out, we are existences that are admired and envied by others. All of this credit is attributed to Lord Chen Yang."

"Now, Lord Chen Yang is no different from a god in our hearts."

"If you don't respect Lord Chen Yang in Chen City, someone will definitely teach you a lesson."

Chen Tao's heart ached. It has only been a few years, and you've already forgotten that I'm the person you respect the most.