Red Dragon Egg! Guest Outside the Endless Mountain Range

Just as everyone in the capital was discussing the matter, the messenger had already run into the capital with the news of victory.

"We won!"

"We won!"

"In the martial arts competition between Great Qian and Great Kun, Great Qian fought 12 rounds and finally defeated Great Kun 8 to 5."

Hearing the messenger's shout, the entire capital was in an uproar.


"Like I said, with the geniuses of the royal family, how can we lose? Da Qian will definitely win!"


A royal disciple stopped the messenger and handed him a spirit stone. He smiled and asked,"Quickly tell me, how did my royal brothers perform?"

The messenger shook the spirit stone in his hand and put it away. Then, he quickly said,"The martial arts competition this time can be said to be full of twists and turns."