Changes in the Wind and Cloud of Jiangzhou, the Chen Family Walking Up to the Stage

"Shuo 'er, what do you mean?" Wang Hu immediately felt that something was wrong and quickly asked.

"What do you mean? It meant that the era that belonged to them had passed. Next, it was his era."

"Come over."

As soon as Wang Shuo's voice fell, eighty percent of the elders who had followed him rushed to Wang Shuo's side and stared coldly at Wang Hu and Wang Xiao.

"Good!" Wang Xiao sneered. Good! Good!"

"As expected of my son. As expected, he's not willing to fail like this.

But have you ever thought that the reason I can stand up to your second uncle is because your second uncle is a seventh level Core Formation expert?"

"Right now, your side has quite a number of elders, but you don't even have a single seventh level Core Formation expert. What confidence do you have to overthrow me?"

"Wang Xiao, you and I should join forces now. After we take care of this unfilial son of mine, we can compete again."