The Shen Family's First Grant

Hearing Wang Shuo's words, the Wang family's ancestor nodded in satisfaction." Alright, hurry up and form an alliance."

"I'm old too. The future of the sect is in your hands. I hope that you can carry out the wishes of the acting sect master and lead our Beast Tamer Sect to fight back."

"Yes, I will." Wang Shuo nodded.


Great Gan, Jiang Prefecture, Chen City, north of the city gate, a carriage slowly arrived.

Chen Mingde looked at the two words Chen Cheng on the plaque and felt a surge of emotion.

After leaving home for so long, I'm finally back."

According to the rules of the Chen family, Chen Mingde and the other clansmen who gathered information for the Chen family could return to the Chen family five years later and be replaced by a new batch of people.

Of course, if they were willing to stay in the sect and continue to carry out the clan's mission, the clan would not refuse.