Return (1)

After leaving the Dragon Demon Emperor's nest, everyone returned to Chen City.

When they arrived at Chen City, everyone began to divide the spoils, not the spoils of war.

Chen family, in the guest hall.

After dispersing the servants, only Chen Yang, Zhou Tianli, and Wang Ming were left in the meeting hall.

"Master, how do you divide the spiritual crystals?""Yang Chen asked.

"I'll take 20% of the Spiritual Crystals," Zhou Tianxiang said after some thought."The Honorable Wang and I will each take 20%. The remaining 60% is for you.""

"As for those spirit herbs and whatnot, give them all to the Chen family."

Wang Ming nodded. This distribution method was already very profitable for him.

If Zhou Tianli was of any help in this battle, then Wang Ming was purely shouting 666 from the side.

Now that he could get 20% of the remaining spirit crystals, Wang Ming was naturally very satisfied, and he didn't dare to ask for other spirit herbs.