The Royal Family's Patriarch Is a Sorcerer?(1)

"Chen Clan Leader, do you know why I summoned you in private?"Zhou Tianke asked with a smile.

He was here.

Chen Yang shook his head with a serious expression." I don't know. Please tell me, Your Majesty.""

Hearing this, Zhou Tianke waved his hand. Immediately, the attendant left the side hall and closed the door.

Only Chen Yang and Zhou Tianke were left in the side hall.

After doing all this, Zhou Tianke smiled and said,""I have heard that compared to the outstanding talent of the Chen Clan Leader, the Chen Clan Leader's intelligence is even more out of the ordinary."

"It's just gossip. Your Majesty, you don't have to care."Yang Chen said in a neither servile nor overbearing manner.

"Sigh, even if it's just gossip, you can't completely believe it. The plan of the Chen Family Head to annihilate the Gongsun Family was a hot topic."Zhou Tianke laughed.

Hearing this, Yang Chen was firm in his opinion. It seemed that Zhou Tianke really had something to ask him.