I Love Making Friends the Most

"What did you say?" Although Sect Leader Xu's hearing was fine, he was still unwilling to believe it and quickly asked.

Deacon Geng took a deep breath and said slowly,""A month ago, after the Third Elder gave me some instructions, he went to the Chen family alone to carry out a mission."

"I originally thought that with Elder's strength, it would be very easy to complete this task. However, I didn't expect that not long after, the Chen Clan's spies would find me."

"Not long after I ran out, I ran into the Dry Dragon Guards again.

It took him a month to reach this place. On the way here, I've asked around, but I haven't heard of any changes in the Chen family."

"So I guess that Third Elder's operation should have failed."

"As for the third elder himself…"

Deacon Geng didn't say anything, but Sect Master Xu could guess that it was probably not going to be good.