The Ceremony Ends, Everyone Is Getting Ready

As soon as he said that, everyone immediately stood up and looked at the royal family's ancestor with wine cups in their hands.

Of course, it wasn't that statue. It was Zhou Muchun, who was standing to the right of Human King Zhou Tianke.

When Zhou Muchun saw this, he smiled as he raised his wine cup and said with a friendly expression,""Your Majesty, you flatter me. This old man only did what I should have done."

"The Zhou Consortium nurtured this old man and allowed this old man to step onto the stage. This old man returned the favor and used his entire life to repay the Zhou Consortium."

"There's no need to mention gratitude."

"Sigh, ancestor, please don't be too modest." Zhou Tianke smiled and said," Anyone with eyes can see that if it wasn't for the ancestor's support, my royal family would have been bullied.""