The Li Family's Reaction to the Impact of the Incident

Great Gan, Yingzhou, Zhou Muchun's manor.

Looking at Li Kezhao's corpse in Sect Leader Xu's hands, Zhou Muchun nodded his head in satisfaction." Well done.""

"It seems that the Chen family has hidden many secrets. They were really able to force Li Kezhao into injury."

"That's right." "The Deshun Commandery Prince seems to have mastered the Li Clan's Great Blood Burning Technique, and the Chen Clan is also hiding a puppet that has reached the third level of combat strength.""

"What did you say?"

Zhou Muchun's expression turned ugly." A puppet with third level battle prowess? This is equivalent to a grade four spirit weapon. Where did the Chen Clan get this from?"

"I don't know."

Sect Master Xu shook his head, a hint of greed flashing in his eyes." Sir, it doesn't matter where the Chen family obtained the puppet. This puppet is a genuine existence.""

"What do you mean?" Zhou Muchun frowned and shot a glance at Sect Head Xu.