Secret Discussion (2)

"Let me put myself in their shoes. If the Chamber of Commerce really developed to the point that it was like what Family Head Chen said, I'm afraid I wouldn't blame Dynasty and wouldn't oppose them."

"Looks like there's an expert behind Dynasty."

"Not necessarily."

Yang Chen shook his head with a smile and teased,""Maybe they just want to get themselves an ally?"

Hearing this, Master Li was stunned.

After a while, Master Li woke up from his dream.

That's right. If he couldn't think of it, would Dynasty definitely be able to think of it?

Perhaps he was simply using these businesses to rope in an ally for himself.

In the end, he was lucky and walked on the right path.

"Of course, that might not be the case." Suddenly, Yang Chen shook his head.

"Not necessarily?"

Master Li looked at Yang Chen in a daze." Big brother, what else do you have to say? Can you say it all at once? You're making me look stupid."