The Plan Begins, Interrogating Zhou Muchun

Setting up a Chamber of Commerce in this city was equivalent to slapping the three major Chambers of Commerce in the face.

On the day that the Longyue Merchant Association opened for business, the branch presidents of the three major merchant associations received the news.

In the meeting hall of the Royal Chamber of Commerce controlled by Dynasty, Branch Chairman Chu Ge sat on a mahogany chair and knocked on the table beside him with a smile.

The elders sitting on the right and left of Pavilion Chu were sitting on their chairs, waiting for Pavilion Chu to lecture them.

"Why, no one said anything?" Pavilion Chu suddenly asked.

Hearing Pavilion Chu's words, the elders looked at each other and then turned their attention to the branch's First Elder.

Seeing this, the branch's First Elder Liu Mo stood up and cupped his hands."Guild Master, do you think we should keep our stance?"