End of Inheritance, Chen Yang Broke Through to the Eighth Level of the Purple Prefecture!(6000 requests for donations)

Seeing the three of them return, Yu Sheng smiled and said,""Since you've made it clear, then come back with me."

With that, the three of them disappeared. When they reappeared, they were already in the hall.

Ever since they entered, their eyes never left the inheritance. Even Shen Daokong, who was at the peak of the Dao Origin Stage, felt nervous and expectant in front of the inheritance.

When Yu Sheng saw this, he didn't waste time and immediately handed the inheritance to Chen Yang and the other two." There's something I need to tell you in advance."

" This inheritance is maintained by the Holy Qi. When you receive it, you will definitely be washed by the Holy Qi. Your meridians and dantian will swell. That is inevitable."

"But there are benefits. If you absorb so much pure Holy Qi, your cultivation will definitely increase."