Annexing Dynasty (4)

As expected, when he saw Chen Yang sitting in the main seat, Qing Zhi was a little frightened and said,"This young master is…"

Yang Chen looked at Li Kehui.

Li Kehui immediately understood Yang Chen's meaning and immediately scolded,""Don't ask questions that you shouldn't be asking."

"Yes, yes, yes! I understand." Qing Zhi nodded hurriedly.

Qing could sense that Shen Daokong was a Dao Origin Supremacy. Since he was sitting in front of a Dao Origin Supremacy, his status must be extraordinary.

" Hahaha, there's no need for the Qing Emperor to be like this. I'm just the head of a seventh-rank family. I don't dare to make the Qing Emperor stand on ceremony."Yang Chen smiled.

Hearing this, Qing Zhiyu was even more convinced of his thoughts.

This was because sending the hidden geniuses of the clan to other places to secretly establish a clan was the method that the great clans liked to use the most.