The First Spiritual Beast Level Familiar

The reason why they had to advance to the Sixth Stage after a year was an unwritten rule in the Alkaid Realm. The purpose was to give the guests time to prepare.

After all, advancing to the Sixth Stage was a major event. The host naturally did not want to make it look ugly. Naturally, they had to leave time to inform the guests and give them time to prepare.

Hearing Chen Yang's words, Chen Xuan nodded." Okay, I'll inform the others immediately and let them send the invitation."

Then, Chen Xuan put down what he was doing and went to deliver Chen Yang's message.

Not long after, the news that the family was about to advance to Rank-6 spread throughout the Chen family. After receiving this news, regardless of whether it was the direct line or the collateral line, or the Chen family guards, they all fell into ecstasy.

They didn't even give any instructions. They all spontaneously informed the other forces to buy goods and prepare for the Chen family's promotion ceremony.