A Mission Against the Sky Cloud Martial School

"Your Chen family is only a sixth rank force now. If you want to attack the Sky Cloud Martial School, the Li family will have an excuse to refuse to help the Sky Cloud Martial School."

"After all, a Rank-6 force is attacking a Rank-5 force, and a Rank-5 force still needs to ask for help. This is simply the biggest joke in the world."

"Of course, it would be even better if the Sky Cloud Martial School could take the initiative to attack you and force you to fight back. Even if the Sky Cloud Martial School is in danger, the Li family can refuse."

"After all, you attacked others first and were counterattacked. How can you still have the face to ask for help?"Shen Renxu laughed.

"I understand."

Yang Chen nodded," It is not convenient for the Shen family to show up, so they let our Chen family take the lead to attack the Sky Cloud Martial School. After we destroy the Sky Cloud Martial School, the truth will be revealed to the world.""