The Tide of Evil Demons Entering City No. 32

After looking at the corresponding contribution points for each level of demon, Yang Chen turned his gaze to the blue screen.

Previously, Yang Chen had only taken a cursory look around. This time, Yang Chen started to observe it seriously.

It had to be said that there were all kinds of treasures on this blue light screen.

From the top treasures of the Alkaid World to the small Meridian Unlocking Elixir, they could all be seen on the blue light screen.

After taking a few glances, Yang Chen memorized some of the treasures.

Firstly, the Great Dao Crystals that were hard to come by in the outside world could only be exchanged for 5,000 merit points in the Merit Hall.

This was already very cheap.

After all, he only needed to kill five evil spirits.

Killing five demons on stage could be exchanged for a Great Dao Crystal. This was simply a bargain.