Time Mystic Realm (1)

City 32, city wall.

The attack of the evil demons under the city had eased up, and the Wood Emperor heaved a sigh of relief.

At the same time, the group of martial artists guarding the city heaved a sigh of relief.

Ever since he had guessed that these demons were only there to attract attention, the Wood Emperor had not allowed any martial artists to leave the city.

They wouldn't run anyway, so why would they leave the city to die?

It was precisely because of the Wood Emperor's actions that the number of people lost in this evil demon calamity had become the lowest in history.

If this situation continued, then this Evil Demon Calamity shouldn't cause too many losses.

Of course, although the losses were small, every warrior guarding the city was extremely exhausted.

The continuous attacks of the evil demons left them with no time to rest.

Fortunately, the demons 'attacks had slowed down, and they could take a breather.