The Great Dao of the Emperor, Changes in the Array Formation

In a quiet courtyard in Nangong City.

Yang Chen and the Wood Emperor sat around a stone table, holding tea in their left hands and facing Yi with their right hands.

As for the Sky-Ripping Mottled Tiger, it shrunk its body to the size of a normal tiger and lay lazily in the courtyard, basking in the sun comfortably.

"Wood Emperor, how much longer do you think we need to wait?"

Chen Yang placed his piece and after putting an end to the anger of the black players, he smiled and looked at the Wood Emperor.

The Wood Emperor picked up the black piece that had been eaten and said with a smile,"Who knows? But it's been a month. Logically speaking, it should be about time."

That's right, it had been a month since he had handed over the inheritance skeleton to Saint Nangong.

For the past month, Yang Chen and the Wood Emperor had been staying in the courtyard. When they were bored, they would play chess for fun.