The End of the Battle

As the Golden Emperor fought with his opponent, he looked at Yang Chen anxiously.

Yang Chen had just broken through to Emperor Realm, so how could he be an opponent of Emperor Realm Level 3?

Once Yang Chen was defeated, a chain reaction would occur. Not only would they not be able to kill the evil spirit, they might even die here.

After hearing the roar of the Brilliant Gold Emperor, Emperor Windwalk, who was fighting the weakest emperor demon here, hurriedly pushed his opponent away with a palm and rushed towards Yang Chen.

However, if the humans could see this, the demons could too.

Just as Emperor Windwalk was about to reinforce Yang Chen, his opponent unleashed a terrifying amount of spiritual energy that quickly entangled Emperor Windwalk.

At the same time, the demon roared,""Quick, let's stall these four people. Mo Yuan, hurry up and kill your opponent!"