Time Great Dao Crystal

On the sky-floating island.


After spitting at the evil spirit's corpse, the Brilliant Gold Emperor looked at Yang Chen." Illusory Emperor, thank you for what you did just now."

"No need to thank me. This is what I should do."Yang Chen smiled.

After exchanging a few words, the two of them arrived in front of the Tianji Saint with the other emperors.

Previously, under the leadership of the Heavenly Secret Saint, everyone had already killed all the demons here.

This allowed the Heavenly Secret Saint and the others to obtain a lot of points, and it also allowed Yang Chen's mission completion rate to increase.

After all, they had already given their nest to them. How could the completion rate not be high?

After arriving in front of the Heavenly Fate Saint, the Yaojin Emperor cupped his hands and asked,""Milord, where should we go next?"