Experience in the Mortal World

In the void, within the Array God's palace.

The Array God looked at Yang Chen in front of him with a face full of joy and couldn't help but laugh,""Illusion Saint, you've really made me proud this time."

"Within a month, he destroyed five of the Evil Spirit Resource Points and killed an Evil Spirit Saint."

"You don't know, but that evil god's face was almost green with anger."

"Ahem, that's not important. The important thing is that because of your actions, the evil demons 'attack has been completely delayed. I estimate that the demons won't do anything big within a hundred years."

Hearing this, Yang Chen's eyes lit up.

A hundred years of stability was enough for Yang Chen to improve his strength.

At the very least, Yang Chen would be able to nurture a God-level subdued beast within a hundred years.