Future Plan - Combat Team Concept (2)

"What are you laughing at?" The owner of the fog glared at Feng Qi.

"You'll get used to it. Since you plan to lurk in human society, this bit of suffering shouldn't be a problem for you, right?"

"It's nothing to be afraid of," the owner of the fog said calmly.

"Let's go. Come with me to the library next. I'll lead you to understand human society better." As he spoke, Feng Qi turned around and walked towards the towering Winterfrost Number Two Library in the distance.

The owner of the fog looked down at the food residue in the trash can and immediately followed Feng Qi.

With ambition for the future, it would definitely actively adapt to human life next.

And then, find an opportunity to rise.

Five months later, with great ambitions for the future,

the owner of the fog joined a steelworks in Winterfrost City and became an honorable worker.

This was not suggested by Feng Qi.