Virtual Technology Innovation (1)

On the ninth day after returning to the Scarlet Research Institute.

This morning, Feng Qi arrived at Wei Wei's private laboratory.

He pushed the door open and entered. He saw Wei Wei in the uniform staring at the operating table with a serious expression. Two scalpels were floating in the air under her gaze.

Suddenly, Wei Wei deflated. The scalpel, no longer held by psychokinesis, dropped onto the operating table with a metallic sound.


Feng Qi praised sincerely when he saw this.

"It's nothing, my control over psychokinesis is far from what you described. I still have to continue strengthening my mental connection."

"But this ability is not bad. I'm very interested now." Wei Wei turned around and smiled.

They sat down and discussed the problem of power transmission.

From Wei Wei's explanation, Feng Qi understood the situation.