The Problem Reveals Itself

As Heng led me away I could feel someone tailing us. I sighed and spun around in time to catch a foot flying at me. The dainty foot connected to a firm hairless leg.

"Madam please think before you continue, I don't like killing women," I said quietly looking at the beauty before me.

Her purple eyes glared at me, her pale skin looked like porcelain, and her black hair was put up in a large bun on the back of her head. A dark green dress made from silk covered her well-built frame. She continued to glare at me.

"Kindly let go of my leg, sir. This positioning is a bit awkward for me." Her quiet yet serious tone caught me off guard.

I stared at her for a second and released her leg. She stumbled for a second before regaining her elegant composure. She brushed off the front of her dress and huffed. She looked back at me and Heng, who at this point had started to walk away.

"Why do you hate master Feng so much?" The girl asked.