A Mystery

We sat watching the game while chitchatting. I could tell her grandfather wanted to say or even do more than he had. He shifted uncomfortably under my gaze. He kept glancing over towards me, finally the group of small children rushed in and the dog piled the old man.

"Ah, you little hellions what do you think you're doing?" He chuckled as they jumped on him.

He laughed and played with the kids before they ran off to cause more mischief. Lucille stuck to my side as if she had been glued there. Her eyes never rested on one spot for too long. Her hand rested on my shoulder. Amanda had returned to her phone, humming a strange tune again. Time passed slowly as the awkwardness hadn't disappeared. A tall thin butler with a long dirty blonde ponytail walked in. He bent down and whispered something to the old man. His face went from shocked to angry. He looked at the butler,