A Rival (2)

The next few days were spent revamping the bar. I brought in new bar stools and equipment for them. By the time we were done with the inside, you would never guess how it looked beforehand. WE had just begun work on the outside of the bar when a group of men showed up with firearms.

"I thought we told you bastards to get the fuck out of here?" A large man holding a shotgun said as he cocked it.

"If that's your threat then get back into your car and leave. It would probably be in your best interest. I don't want to spill blood on my property." I said walking up to the group.

They all bellowed with laughter. They pointed at me slapping each other's backs as they laughed.

"A child is telling me what to do, can you believe that? What is this shit, Marcus?" He asked angrily.

"I'm the boss here not him, now pay attention to what I say because I hate repeating myself. Leave here and never come back." I spoke.